Succeeding in business
is all about
making the right
- Richard Branson
About us
In the Netherlands there is a saying that goes ‘too big for the napkin, but too small for the tablecloth’. This seems to be the case when scaling up your business; you have survived the startup phase, but the stability of a full grown company has net yet been achieved. This scale-up phase can be particularly difficult and founders are often seeking for business advice to tackle the different challenges they encounter.
Since 2020 Frank & the Backs fills this gap by offering growing ventures support through mentorship of entrepreneurial professionals, so called Backs. Thus providing practical and quality advice for an affordable price.

Herman de Boer

Geert Cantrijn

Antonia Doneva

Ezrah Goeloe

Albert Groenewoud

Fokko Kool

Egbert Ottevanger

Charlot Oudbier

Alexia Skrypnyk

Bengi Şentürk

Ashwathy Sudhakaran Nair

Jan Verkooijen